About: Dr. Burton S. Schuler, aka "Dr. Morton's Toe" is acknowledged both internationally and nationally, as the leading medical expert about the painful condition of the foot, known as the Morton’s Toe. He is the leading expert because he is the only physician and or lay person, ever to author a detailed book about the Morton’s Toe; and feet & the body wide problems it can cause. The title of the book is Why You Really Hurt: It All Starts In The Foot, and was first published in 2009, and is now in its 4th printing. A Morton’s toe is where the 1st metatarsal bone of the foot (the bone that the big toe attaches to) is abnormally short and or unstable. Schuler has been a Foot Specialist for over 50 years; and has written hundreds of articles, written for Colliers Encyclopedia (printed editions) and has made dozens of videos; about